Better is coming soon.
- a whole new website/blog/utopia
- wider range of subject material
- guest bloggers!! Maybe YOU!!!
- richer, deeper, more colorful, and funner(ha!) mental “weirdness” from yours truly, the king of weird!!
Better is coming soon.
A Manifesto is Brewing…
Every Thursday, on this blog, I’m throwing out the most writable thoughts that come to mind between 5:00 and oh, maybe 8:00.
Lately I’ve enjoyed posting real-life silliness and seriousness that is fun to write and therapeutic for me to share.
After posting, especially a personal topic, I just love to watch the Stats page climb through the next few days. It shows me the results of how many visits have piled up.
I am amazed and blessed, flattered and honored to have a regular following of readers of these words. Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!
You may wonder about the “Ready for Better” topics and their origin? As I’ve stated, my thoughts are a scrambled high-voltage buzz of white noise that goes with me everywhere I do, maybe yours are the same??
During my daily brain bombardment, when a tasty topic or observation comes to mind, I have a piece of paper that I scribble it on. I am now on paper #2 since beginning this blog in the fall of 2010. Like paper #1 before it… It’s a random patterned mess full of scribbles!!! 🙂
BUT, I am struggling with a certain topic. In fact, I’ve put off writing it several times. It seems too big to jump into, and with it comes risk and fear 🙂
You see, I LOVE the fact that you are reading this right now. I want to engage, inspire and share with you.
I do not however think that all of my thoughts are palatable to everyone. Some things may push a boundary beyond entertainment or even inspiration and into new world of thought…
I can see, that from my previous-self’s point of view, it could come across just as uncomfortably crazy as Alice’s trip down the Rabbit Hole.
However, I have been irreversibly changed in the last year. Just like Neo in the movie the Matrix… I have taken the Red Pill.
New Truths have been shown to me. They have opened my eyes.
I now live with a New Perspective.
But, as the saying goes… “The only person who likes change, is a baby with a dirty diaper.”
So, as I struggle with finding ways to share these new perspectives. Please, please know that from the beginning, every step of my journey, was meant to help someone else find hope and answers in their own situations. Whether it be purely financial peace that someone is reaching for; or just to raise their own awareness that they deserve Better!
So far, I am failing at directly helping the people in my community through personal coaching. This was one of my goals that I’ve yet to fulfill.
Here lies the root thoughts that are growing into something bigger than a blog post.
My recent experiences and new perspectives have started the simmer of a brutally honest, viciously raw and searingly white-hot Manifesto of ideas that, when written, will leave me gutted wide-open, vulnerable to all…
I am not sure that I am fit enough to explore further down this rabbit hole right now. It’s scary…
but I’m training for it 🙂
You as readers, have shown me with your visits that when I am most personal and most honest, the most of you show up…
I wonder how far you’ll go with me on this journey??
The time is not now to decide Red or Blue, but I hope for all of us that when it is time, You and I will have the Courage to Try.
Thank You again for being here with me on this blogging adventure. It really is much more than that. Ready for Better is my personal journal, told through show-and-tell.
I hope we are all appreciative of each blessed day that we have been given on this Earth.
I truly do Love You. Thank You. I am literally thrilled with You being here with me!
Stay tuned, who knows what fun could come from all of this!!
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
Got a leaky Wallet? Bulging budget or none at all? Dilapidated Debt that you’re sick of living with? You are losing hard earned dollars every month! Let me show you how to spackle the cracks and firm up your financial foundation. DIY or using my professional services, either way, the best time to fix your finances is Now!
I have to be the most insecure Guy in the known universe.
I’ll prove it right here.
This picture (from my backyard) has four main elements.
Can you guess what the fourth is?
The symbolic Wire Cage around them all? Yup, Dang; You Smart!
The wire fencing represents the barrier in my mind that has kept me from Trying new things throughout my life.
All 3 of the hobbies in the picture are things I have recently decided to give my very first ever effort into trying.
Back to the insecure part…
All 3 are things I used to be too scared, too embarassed, too nervous or too chicken to even attempt.
That little wire cage really doesn’t do justice to the enormous mental Wall that I used to have built around attempting anything that might involve Failing.
Fear of Failure…
Fear of Failure!!
has probably been the most costly emotion that has ever entered my heart.
Somehow, my entire life, up until recently, I have carried around a humongous weight.
It sounded like these thoughts:
I recently figured out for myself that…
I was completely wrong about that!
Actually the TRUTH is:
So, maybe some of these ideas resonate with you?
Surely you haven’t been:
– afraid of planting a few vegetables (because the plants will all shrivel up and die, or produce a poisonous fruit that kills you dead, telling the world that you’re a fool for trying to plant a garden!)
– afraid of joining a Sand Volleyball League (because you’ll miss the ball every time, get winded, fall down and die in the middle of the court!)
– afraid of saying Yes to play in a Free golf tournament (because every ball you’ll hit will go sideways, you’ll lose all your equipment when you drive the cart into the lake and everyone will yell at you to get off the course, after which you’ll die!)
Okay, maybe there’s a little exaggeration in there… but you get my point?
Somewhere in the last year, when I decided to jump out of the mainstream world and try my own thing, I figured out that even when all kinds of things don’t go like you planned, and goal after goal has gone unreached… You Still LIVE to see another day!
Then, taking that knowledge, and feeling much free-er, and confident that, by the Grace of God, life will go on, even if things don’t go perfectly…
I decided to TRY the challenges that came along my path and presented themselves to me.
Guess what: It’s been a BLAST!!
Learning that I can grow and expand my “normal” self in ways that I didn’t know was possible has been nothing short of amazing, in my own mind.
Sure, these may seem like little things to you but… You aren’t :
The most insecure Guy in the known universe!!
So: When new ideas, or challenges come along your way, do you jump at them with vigor? Or do you pass on them with Fear being the main reason?
If talking about improving your financial situation, so that you end up with More Money and Less Stress sounds like your version of Gardening, Volleyball & Golf… well, I know just how ya feel!
I know that taking that first step, and telling yourself that you are worth it; is key. Guess what, if it doesn’t work out, you will go on living to see another day. And that my friends, is the new beginning of your fantastic fresh world of possiblities!
In fact, if you work yourself out of debt and have lots of cash on hand, and Hate it, then the bank will surely loan you enough to get back to where you started!…
You CAN begin the journey to debt-freedom today. You ARE capable of living the life of your dreams. You Will succeed when you set your mind to it. I believe this about You with all My Heart 🙂
So! Enough rambling for tonight.
I’m gonna’ work on my swing, swat a few serves and yank some weeds before this night is over…
‘Cause truthfully, I need lots of practice at all this stuff; heck, I’m just a beginner!!
(oh yeah, and I grew my hair out too… I know: I’ve completely lost my “normal” mind… THANK GOD!)
Got a leaky Wallet? Bulging budget or none at all? Dilapidated Debt that you’re sick of living with? You are losing hard earned dollars every month! Let me show you how to spackle the cracks and firm up your financial foundation. DIY or using my professional services, either way, the best time to fix your finances is Now!
The main quote from this little story still resonates today as a great lesson.
Getting off to a slow start is okay, because by having true belief that “You Can”… Then reaching the top is possible and the Ride down the Other Side… will be Breathtaking!!!
Got a leaky Wallet? Bulging budget or none at all? Dilapidated Debt that you’re sick of living with? You are losing hard earned dollars every month! Let me show you how to spackle the cracks and firm up your financial foundation. DIY or using my professional services, either way, the best time to fix your finances is Now!
Playing God…
For years now, we have joked and talked about my old dog Morgan. The energizer bunny of the canine world; this shaggy black Shepard/Collie mix has been through it all. In her 16.5 years she’s had both front legs broken, fought in tons of scraps and battles, then even got run over by me in my own driveway a year and a half ago.
She refused to give up.
She kept on going and going and going. In the last year or so, even with one eye blind and a busted up partially working body, she kept going…
Until today.
Today was just like any other day for Morgan – she was in her favorite cool spot on the garage floor, she stumbled to get a drink, stumbled back and pretty much was just chillin.
Little did she know that I had already planned for “her time” to come before Memorial Day Weekend. Sure the past week had it’s extra struggles for her, but not much more than any other… so how did I know it was time?
I had prepared myself and I had prayed and today around noon, I felt at peace enough to load her up one last time and take her to town….
I was choking myself up in the hour or so before I left. I felt like it was somehow unfair for me to decide the moment that was right… I was hoping it would happen naturally before now, so I could avoid the responsibility of it… I knew that her fate was up to me and I was just praying that I was making the right choice for her.
Then one of those “God Thoughts” popped into my head while I was contemplating things out in the back yard…
Morgan is old. Really old for her breed. She’s in terrible health. She is in obvious daily pain. This choice for me to let her go is actually easy when you look at it like that… It’s the right thing to do.
What about God’s choice to let people go?
This week started out with a vicious tornado ripping through Joplin, Missouri. It took the lives of at least 122 people. Sure the houses and things are gone. The replaceable things. But the people and families that will never see each other… well, that is pain that stays with us forever.
I think of other times that God has taken people out of this physical world. Like my Dad drowning when I was four years old. Or my cousin Megan, who left my heart shattered… Or my good buddy Derrick, such a young and vibrant newlywed dynamite blast of a guy to be around… These are just a few of the spectacular people I am privileged to have known, loved and lost over the years…
How hard do you think it hurts God to know that somehow, someway, in terms that are Impossible for us to understand, he’s done the right thing?
He loves us. He’s taken us on as his responsibility. He’s created us and this world. But, his ways of thinking are not like ours…
Isaiah 55:8 (New International Version)
So just like me today, when I was holding Morgan’s head and petting her coarse black fur for the last time, I do think that God knows the right thing to do.
I have not always thought that. Plenty of people I know have experienced my sadness, rage and terror in these tragic moments. I may not always be able to understand from now forward either… But, in this moment, when I had my tiny version of playing God, I did.
I do know that if we let him, he’ll lovingly hold us and care for us in these painful times of loss and transition.
I feel that God’s Grace and presence has been shown this week with the absolute outpouring of support, love, donations and assistance to the Joplin area. If you have loved ones down there, then prayers are continuing for you and your family. This human loving connection is now showing it’s amazing abilities, and awesome it is.
I hope this meandering off of the financial topics for this week is okay with you. I thank every reader of this blog that I have a place to share my “God Thoughts” and all my other crazy ones too. Please share yours with me. I would love to hear them 🙂
Got a leaky Wallet? Bulging budget or none at all? Dilapidated Debt that you’re sick of living with? You are losing hard earned dollars every month! Let me show you how to spackle the cracks and firm up your financial foundation. DIY or using my professional services, either way, the best time to fix your finances is Now!
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
Take a look at this picture. In the foreground, the small stone is my Dad’s, the next is his parents’.
Just yesterday it occured to me that all the other stones in the area are factory-made, polished and purchased and pretty.
This is in my DNA, it is my nature to be different.
I was blown away by this simple realization.
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
Clank… clank… clank… clank… thud, whirr, clank, whirrr, whirrr, thud, CLANK. A hushed but audible radio plays in the background. Several sweaty bodies are scattered around the place, in various contortions of abstract motion.
Are these blog topics, and word Budget or Dave Ramsey, bringing anxiety, just to think about? Is the thought of using cash as your spending tool just as scary as a squat-bar loaded with giant weights? Do you feel guilt for years of couch-potato-like financial habits? Does it feel like it may be too late to start getting in shape?
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
My individual coaching services are best for the kickstart needed to get your financial engine rebuilt and idling correctly. We can even work together toward a sweet tune-up and solid reliable ride.
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
Good Morning from a Brightly Snowlit, Chilly and Debt-Free Corner of Princeton, Kansas.
How would you begin a process like this? What would be your first step? Can you even fathom it?
And from these pictures from south and west of Princeton, we have proof once again that it can be done. It is proven time and again every winter here in Kansas…
A day of country cruising and enjoying the new-fallen snow reminds me that we are not nearly as smart as we think we are. Our minds are not built like that of our creator. But we can learn those ways.
Not all winter blessings are out in the cold. Not all rich blessings are money. Case in point: I was blessed to share Monday’s Snow Day Drive with the beautifully adventurous Lindsay. Yup, God likes me 🙂
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching