The Two Wolves Story begins a fantastic discussion about self judgement in our Hangout this week. It is an empowering feeling to recognize that we are in control of whether we ‘feed’ and give life to our negative thoughts and beliefs, or our positive and life enhancing thoughts… OR, how we can take anything that comes at us, and find the message, and be the change that we want to see in the world.
With Aaron Nichols & Michael Wright
You’ll want to have a notepad handy again this week!
You can read more about me, Aaron Nichols on my about page. (sorry that my video feed is choppy!)
or Michael Wright’s website —
To be part of next week’s Hangout — Email Me at, each week I send out an invitation email with the details on how to get setup. (It’s pretty easy) then join us at 5:30 CST with 45 minutes to get in depth and have a fun — REAL discussion!