I have a date to tell you about.

I got engaged Again!! Read all about it!!

ummm nope 🙂 sorry, not really.

But isn’t it kinda anti-climactic to go back to a regular ‘ol blog post tonight, after last week’s jolly bombardment of visitors to weirdforgood, to check out our question-poppin’ story?

Even a good week around here looks like 85 people reading a weekly blog post, and last week it was through the roof. We had well over 400 readers checking out the story of Lindsay and I’s big night at the Band of Heathens show. It was touching that you all cared enough to check it out, thank you 🙂

So posting our news on my weekly blog, was a great example of preparation meeting opportunity. Since I already have been writing for some time, and I share personal stories here, and big moments in life, I thought that I would post that one up as well.

And I really do have something big to announce tonight.

It’s been over 7 months since I last drank alcohol.

I want to share this now as a report and follow-up, since I did mention it previously, in a post, seven months ago.

I have a garden. It is thriving. It’s growing and flourishing. Neat things are sprouting, that started as tiny seeds in bare earth. For a long time, it looked dead, like just a bunch of dirt.

I’m not talking about this one:

There is a real life, new life, green and vibrant world growing up around me. Last week’s exciting post was proof. The fact that I’ve had an enjoyable 7 months free of one of my former addictions, is proof too.

I am showing this progress, on my personal channel, my space and this didn’t cost you anything to read. So please know that I am only sharing. Joyously Sharing.

There were things chewed up and tilled under in my life, in order to prepare the soil.

That involved pain. And heartbreak. And Loss. And Change.

What an eye-opening experience. What wonders I’ve learned. What things I’ve thought I would miss, that I didn’t. What possibilities are attainable now. I see no limits.

I am in the grasp of a force too big to explain. I can only show you.

I don’t have time to tell you all the stories. All the good times. All the horrible times. All the times I wish didn’t happen and those plenty of times I thought it was just normal to be drunk.

And today, sobriety feels intoxicatingly exciting. It feels powerful. It feels energizing. It feels unstoppable. It feels like a whole new normal.

Changes like this in a person’s life, are not “no big deal”, but they are possible.

Or, I could say it like this: (from a note I wrote to myself on my 33rd birthday in March)

“I don’t grow and change. Time doesn’t tick into the future. I merely readjust the position from which I view the kernel of Now, that I refer to as my life. Then another adjustment and the moment’s passed.”

So many of my readjustments have now led to a clearer perspective and sharper focus. I may have found a neutral space since last week’s big news, but from here, so many doors are now open.

You know that I’m mind-boggled at all the blessings I’ve received lately. I share them openly. In fact, they are not mine at all, they’re just opportunities to view God doing work.

So there, I’m done.

I have a garden in the backyard too. And it is magnificent. I love it and care for it and spend a lot of time out there.

In all of this, I’m a beginner. I’m a baby and a child. And I’ll stay just as wide-eyed and amazed just as long as I can. Last time I gave that up, and tried to be an ‘adult’ who knows all the limitations and worries of the world (and ‘needed’ an elixir to escape from it) it lasted waaay tooo looooooong.


Aaron Nichols


14 thoughts on “I have a date to tell you about.

  1. Aaron I know you don’t need a pat on the back, the blessings God has bestowed upon you is congratulations enough. It’s been ten years since I made the choice to fight addiction. Watching those seeds grow leaves me awestruck each time something new and tiny and green breaks the surface!

  2. I came in to rest after visiting with folks coming the last two mornings to buy things from G’pa and me that we no longer need.
    When I think about things we become attached to, maybe not as serious as alcohol, however, it can separate us from the love of God when we continue to
    maybe not collect, but accumulate. Our hearts are lighter that we are free from that burden, (can we call it?) God Bless you, Aaron
    We love you!!

  3. “So many of my readjustments have now led to a clearer perspective and sharper focus. I may have found a neutral space since last week’s big news, but from here, so many doors are now open.

    You know that I’m mind-boggled at all the blessings I’ve received lately. I share them openly. In fact, they are not mine at all, they’re just opportunities to view God doing work.”

    Love this!!!! Giving God the glory! Aaron, I don’t know you very well but I have always known that you have a huge heart!

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