My Old Yeller

There are blog topics that I’m not ready to write about. So therefore, I guess I should continue this thing for awhile. Sometimes I wonder if it is time to hang it up. I could walk it out to the edge of the meadow at sunset. I could pet it one last time, and BANG! Put it down, lovingly and swiftly. This week, with lots of other happenings going on, I let the blog again be one of the last things on my list…

2016 is here. Wow – The passage of this thing called Time again gets a little extra awareness. Worship even, for a night. We all watch the clock and cheer the coming New Year.

Tons of stuff has recently changed, my 2016 is already shaping up to be quite different from last year in so many ways. Yet, it does seem to repeat and recycle and reload similar concepts to every year that I can ever remember. Strange idn’t it?

I find that I have arrived at new destinations I once longed for. I have the things or the situations or the moments happening that I have steered and strived to arrive upon.  The irony is the scope of this hamster wheel itself. It moves slow enough, I think I’m standing still. Yet, it always seems to unfold before me another expanse of possibility and problems too.

The more things change, the more they stay the same… or is it just me?

Ahh, my old demons clamor and clatter around. They feast and dine well, when I let them overtake my better judgement. The night is darkest right before dawn, and I want to see that dawn again and ever again. I can lose track of its cyclical spin bringing brilliant colors before us all.

This early morning, I leave some words on this page. Not many, and certainly nonsensical. This isn’t the right time to pull the trigger and irreversibly release my commitment to these weirdforgood writings.

There are more subjects and concerns and joys too that need a home. They want a place to be recorded.

Somethings though, are still roughstock, they are wild and untamed. They won’t be caught without a fight, and tonight, after another long niiiiight, I do not have that fight… in me.

Until next week, my friends, I love you.


Aaron Nichols

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