Real Quality Discussions on the Internet! Wow, I know you may not believe it to be true, among all the junk-food of the web, but Micheal and I are really sharing about our lives together again this week. My hope is that by seeing our struggles and thoughts, you may relate and have new insight that can help you enjoy your life more than ever.
Spend some time discussing the ugliness of the real Heroes Journey and how our life remodeling projects, involve demolition before anything beautiful can be built.
We’re talking about the Bringing Down the House, recent blog post.
Dig Deep again with us this week, in one of the most enlightening and real conversations on the web, here at our weirdforgood world!
With Aaron Nichols & Michael Wright
You can read more about me, Aaron Nichols on my about page.
or Michael Wright’s website —
To be part of next week’s Hangout — Email Me at, each week I send out an invitation email with the details on how to get setup. (It’s pretty easy) then join us at 5:30 CST with 45 minutes to get in depth and have a fun — REAL discussion!