Merry Christmas, Weirdos!

Yup, it’s almost Christmas Day!

I sit here tonight thinking about how absolutely blessed I am in so many ways. I have literally been showered with favor and love and now I am seeing light starting glow in a previously pitch black tunnel. It’s more than just the holidays and our celebration of the birth of our Messiah; a real peace has descended upon me lately. Thanks be to God!

I won’t bore you tonight with the incredible list of hints I’ve been receiving that I am feeling His presence and aware of my own growth in Him.

What I do want to do tonight is tell you that one of the things that has kept me trucking forward in these dark days, along with God’s grace, has been my assignments and workshops that I complete in my FAA training.

One of them recently was the My Story assignment. In it, our task was to write just that. Our complete life story, with Turning Points highlighted. Mine was 24 pages, 12,287 words, I included several pictures and some quotes too. It basically became a mini-book. It was a fantastically therapeutic exercise. I cried. A lot. I may share it here someday soon. In fact, I have this thought that my life story, just like Your life story, is interesting to people. Our collective experiences that inevitably overlap and echo each other’s, touches us on a deep level. So, soon here at weirdforgood, you will be able to purchase, my first e-book. It will only be available by purchase, because I am only interested in sharing it with my most interested readers. It’s way way way, deep deep down; personal.

BUT! I since it is Christmas, and I cannot yet provide each of my wonderful weirdforgood fans something really snazzy, like free iPads, or free books, or free weekends at a ski resort, like I would like to 🙂 I will share with you this free gift.

Here is half of one of my recent assignments. It asks some serious questions. I have given some serious answers. Feel free to check it out, ask yourself the same questions, heck, send me Your answers, I would LOVE to read them!!

I hope this Christmas season reminds you, enriches you and awakens you. It has me 🙂

——– excerpt from Core and Heart Strengths Worksheet by Jonathan Pool

What points to your Heart?

• What do you really care about?

  • Finding the truth
  • Feeling those “Aha” moments of knowing when God has touched me
  • Being transformation
  • Seeing transformation
  • Participating in Transformation

• Who do you want to serve?

  • “Regular” people, who don’t already have greatness in their minds. People that I grew up around, and people I relate to, that have a smaller and artificially lower image of their own capabilities, like I did, as a kid, growing up
  • People who want to grow in an area, that they don’t believe they deserve to grow in
  • Churches who have great potential and love, yet need a spark to materialize their ideas
  • Small businesses who have great values and caring about service, yet need someone to take them to the next level creatively and compassionately.

• What will be your ‘opus Gloria’ (glorious work) contribution in life?

  • Being the Explorer, the Craftsman and the Teacher.
    • Explorer – constantly searching out new and creative perspectives, breaking new trails
    • Craftsman – constructing and materializing, following through, creating things that are useful to people
    • Teacher – demonstrating and encouraging others that they can achieve their own desires of heart

What will your legacy statement be?

  • “A man who generously enriched the lives of others by choosing to go into the depths alone and bring light and good news back to demonstrate, enlighten and encourage others to believe that they deserve to experience and create their own wonderful world, however they choose to.

What do you want others to say about you after you are gone?

  • He cared and shared his passions and beliefs in a way that added to our lives immensely.
  • He took his energy, and gave it away in order that we may see and experience life anew and wonderfully.

Answer this to represent what you WANT your legacy statement to be.
How is this different than what it is currently?

  • Currently, my lack of worldly success, along with outward appearances of failure to reach goals, has brewed up a perception of misguided and stupid choices, that have led me to the lowest point in my adult financial life. I have let some of this perception infect my brain, and then acted as if I have failed, which creates results of apparent failure. There is an emerging silver lining on the edge of this cloud however, thanks be to God!

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

  • Express and share my deep love for others, by communicating their own potential to them, awakening their spirits and shining a light on their ability to construct for themselves the life of their dreams.

What would you do if you were given $200,000 per year for the rest of your life?

  • I would give lots of money away to my church, local charities, worthy causes. Especially to the children who’ve lost one or both of their parents.
  • I would build a homebase here in KS that includes a lodge-style home, large outbuildings to host family & friends gatherings. It will be called Sterling Estates and be creative and crafty and expressive and represent my frugal mindset.
  • I would outfit a cross-country SUV to be able to travel any 4×4 road across the north American continent for road-trips and adventures in camping and cavorting across our great land.
  • I would travel worldwide – experiencing places like: Egypt, Bavaria, Australia, Mediterranean, Japan, Swiss Alps and many more 🙂

What would you do if you had six months to live? Answer this from the standpoint that your basic needs are provided for.

  • Express the turning points and aha moments of my life to my family and friends, so that maybe they can gain something useful and grow through my experiences for themselves when I’m gone
  • Show my love, and try to enrich my closeness to my family, which isn’t very close right now.
  • Deepen my spiritual practices and understanding
  • Travel and share my adventures with people at home
  • Write, write, write, write, write
  • Heal wounds within my family, among friends, among previous acquaintances, to “re-say” things in a loving way, that have hurt them in the past.

What did you dream about when you were a child?

  • Meeting my Dad in heaven
  • Discovering great ideas
  • Unlocking the secrets of impossible mysteries, like the Pyramids and the Universe
  • Being scared and constantly fighting against immovable forces
  • Having a loving companion and understanding supporting encouraging woman around me
  • Being liked, having friends, being “cool”

What is your life dream?

  • To converge my inner-self and outer-self in a place where my possibility to create is almost unlimited. To feel completely at peace with myself, using my true nature to share something wonderful with the world. To have worldy successes, in order to get the attention of people focused on worldly things, so that I may redirect and give credit to my Creator, who deserves all the real recognition. Basically, to achieve both spiritual and earthly success that gives me the ability to give back in abundance to my family, enrich my community and set an example for young people to learn from.
Merry Christmas to the weirdforgood family!
Aaron Nichols

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